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February 10, 2025

The Ultimate e-Book Guide: How to Write an eBook?

Writing is an art and when it come to write an e-book, even the great writers can fail. Writing e-books take time, efforts, dedication, knowledge, skills of writing and promotional skills. Many get confused. Which is the correct one. ebook or e-book.

Well the correct one is e-book.

The same goes for email. Or should I say e-mail. Yes last one is the correct word.

Does e-books fascinate you?

I think most people are fascinated and want to know more.

Self published e-books are actually even better than the printed version. E-books started about the same time as the Internet started with it.

The Ultimate e-Book Guide: How to Write an eBook?: eAskme
The Ultimate e-Book Guide: How to Write an eBook?

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Do you know the history of the e-book.?

You do?

Good thats great, but let me tell those who don't know about it.

It was invented in the year 1971. The man who invented e-book received an amount of $100 000 000 for his time spent on the computer.

It was in Illinois at the Materials Lab, yes their university. On the  Xerox Sigma-5 mainframe. His name was Michael Hart.

But don't just assume wow that's a lot of money. He tried very hard to worthy of this money. He created the idea of e-books.

His words were "the greatest value created by computers would not be computing, but would be the storage, retrieval, and searching of what was stored in our libraries."

This was the start of a project known as Project Gutenberg.

This project now makes more than 50 000 e-books ready for free use.

Now after all this time it is very easy creating an e-book.

Just open your word processor, write transport digest your preferred format. And make it available for people.

Whether it is writers, marketers, bloggers, businesses. Yes let's face it, anyone that wants to read your content.

But to make sure of success you have to remember quality.

If it isn't quality then don't even try it. So lets deal with a questions you may have.

Is it ideal to write an e-book?

First thing to consider is it narrow enough.

The idea of e-books is a shortened version of a subject. It should be focused on one main thing.

That makes an e-book ideal. Creating an e-book that covers everything isn't as effective, unless you cant give the shortened version.

When you write an ebook it also help you to learn how to organize a research paper.

The idea of an e-book is a time limit.

Is the e-book favored for longer times. 

As with most things in life. Things change and some become irrelevant.
  • Will your e-book last that long?
  • What about a topic that will stay for a longer period of time?

The good news about e-books is it can be updated as times changes.

But it is good to remember that changes should be kept to a bare minimum.

Not a complete change.

This way you can get new interest in your e-book.

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An example is if you have an e-book that you share if people subscribe to your posts, it is an effective and eye catching idea to say your e-book is updated as people may have been hesitant on subscribing because of an outdated version of your free e-book.

Do you have enough content material?

The Ultimate e-book guide : eAskme

As I said earlier it is important to remember that an e-book shouldn't be too long. But there is the flip side to this.

Nothing worse than a very short e-book. So do you have enough material for your chosen topic?

What about a new fresh perspective, nothing quite ever competes with that.

Example say you want to write an e-book about Amazon.

It is pretty basic to most people.

We know that. But you have to find ways to make reading this e-book interesting.

So what can help you?

Helpful factors.

  • Remember to use words that is powerful to encourage conversion.
  • Remember there is a difference between fiction and non fiction.
  • Always a great idea to use keywords and remember to optimize e-book descriptions.
  • Make sure you know about the pros and cons of your e-book when comparing with other authors.
  • Do you know how to make your description in HTML stand out.
  • Be careful of giving away too much of your e-book description. Don't spoil it. It is meant to be a teaser that makes readers want to read.
  • If you can answer all this. You are ready to start your new e-book. Even if you have never written an e-book before.
But remember that you alone will know what you want to write about.

You alone know what to say as well and only you will know how much details you want to give.

Before starting to write.

Think about it, you don't want to start with no words.

As mentioned before an e-book shouldn't be to long, but also not to short. So how long is an e-book then? I guess it depends on your given topic.

Can range from 20 to 150 pages. Whether it is fiction vs non fiction.

Remember your audience.

Is the idea a quick e-book or will a longer e-book be acceptable.

Also where will you publish your e-book.

Only you have these answers.

If the idea is to use your e-book on your website.

Then you can make it as long as you prefer. You can use your own price or make it available for free.

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But if you want to use Amazon, as an example. It means it cant be given away for free.

Yes you will have to charge for your e-book.

This also means you have to consider the length of your e-book. If this is your preferred method it may be fine.

After all, you worked hard on your e-book. But for someone who wants to buy an e-book they consider the quality and length of your e-book.

For readers it about this one thing. If I can get the e-book for $4.99 and I can get the same type of e-book elsewhere for $0.99.

Then why pay more?

Many readers don't care about how long it took you, how hard it was. For them it is about the time they are spending and what they get in return for it.

If you don't give what they want.

You wont make sales on your e-book.

This is just something to keep in mind when you want to write your own e-book.

Choosing your topic.

Thats the wonderful thing about e-books. You can choose from most if not every topic. It is up to you. Yes, you're personal choice.

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Your own stuff in writing.

If it a topic that you know about. You have enough experience to write about it.

Then why not?

You have the knowledge, You share the knowledge.

What about a topic like How to master keywords research in just 7 days, By Gary Smith. Now Gary knows that some courses are done via video or a webinar.

But what does Gary use? PDF, So with this in mind it is an effective e-book.

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Why did Gaurav consider using e-book?

  • Students eager to learn can work at their own pace
  • Convenient times is always great for students, unlike a webinar.
  • Lots of screen shots can be used to help explaining and any given examples.
  • The format used is easily used by almost everyone.
  • Not forgetting that Gary used keyword research, which he shared with his audience, in such a way that they can benefit from it. 
Or what do you do when there is already so many e-books about your area of expertise that your e-book wont even make any impact anywhere.

Then write about things you feel very passionate about.

Using someone else's stuff.

Now this a very dangerous area. Very tricky indeed.

Thats where words like plagiarism and copyright infringement comes in.

So don't consider this way. It is not advisable.

You can also use online plagiarism checker for college students for this.

The idea is when you want to use someone else's work. You want to make it yours.

Meaning you want to add more details. That you know the e-book can benefit from.

If the idea is to to generate leads then why not give away your e-book?

People love free stuff.

Free is such a good word to your audience.

But you have to remember that you have to promote your e-book.

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If you consider this free e-book give away on your website. You have to promote it.

So here is a few things you need to consider.

  • Building your mailing list.
  • If you want to generate leads this is an effective way. When email is used in marketing your site. It gives higher ROI than you would find in any other marketing channels.
And how does it work?

Just give away something that is free.

But you want their email address in return. Its direct. Its personal. Its effective.

Give away that e-book of yours.

After doing research Hubspot found that e-mails that offered something free had 2 times better responses than e-mails that offered webinars.

Which means you want your Call to action rate to improve. You just offer a free e-book.

Demonstrating and building your authority

Demonstrating and building your authority : eAskme

If you are thinking about doing this. An e-book can help you build  can help you in your preferred field. Especially if you are still working on getting stature.

Yes I know you can use Twitter ot your blog. But it wont last as long in social media changes.

But as we talked earlier your e-book should be able to stand the test of time. So your readers can always go back and use it as reference.

Which is why your e-book must have the best quality. So don't think about a fast and quick e-book.

Selling e-book.

You may do it just for the thrill of having your e-book sold. Or seeing your own page on Amazon. Many consider this a career.

Yes it is admitted that the publishing barrier is so low.

Many have successful stories from e-book writing. It can be that you just use Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing or any other platform and BAM you are a bestseller.

But not just that. A millionaire one week later. But if it was that easy.

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Don't get confused. Doing this as a career takes very hard work, diligence, work, talent, lots of patience, perseverance and much more.

But if you want to write a few helpful e-books and make it available then that  low barrier is your friend.

So what platform should be used in publishing your e-book?

So what platform should be used in publishing your e-book : eAskme

If you think about Amazon. Then why not? If you are going to use all your energy and time in creating a great e-book.

Then why not make sure it is available on the biggest sites for best selling e-books.

But if you feel you want to do it yourself. You can do that too.

Is it good to consider using an external platform. Yes, why not. Just be prepared to promote your e-book.

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Now what format should be used for your e-book?

There is many different formats for e-books. If you want to make sure it isn't only readable on computer it means you have to think of a variety of formats.

MS Word - It can be a good format. But doesn't mean you should. It can be seen as a backup? But Not really ideal.

PDF - PDF can be seen as a more convenient way for your readers. It is effective in design. So it is a better option

ePub - Now this is where we start using words like premium format. As it is XML-based. It can be used on more devices, like Kindle Fire, Apple iBooks, ePub via Kindle Direct Publishing, Sony Reader, Kobo Reader and more.

Mobi -  It was made by a French company named MobiPocket, but when Amazon bought the company the format was moved to Amazon's Kindle.

This was a few examples of e-book formats that is available.

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Using e-book tool building

As we all know programs are released and improved to make the process of creating an e-book easier. But in honesty it is already easy.

You only need a few to make your e-book. Examples like Microsoft word, Calibre, Sigil, Kindle previewer, Scrivener.

Using Microsoft Word

If you want to write an e-book then it is without any doubt admitted that great features for building content. All that is needed is use the correct format.

Just the click of a few buttons and you are done.

But if you want ePub format? That is where Calibre comes in.

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Using Calibre

If you want to save as an ePub format. Then Calibre is ideal. It is free to download so its more convenient. It can convert Word docs to ePub.

All you need to do is use your Word document in Calibre, as a book then you can simply convert to ePub format.

You can edit your ePub. But not viewed as user friendly.

Which brings in Sigil.

Using Sigil

Its free. If you want to edit ePubs you will find its very easy.

If you did as mentioned before. (Converted your word doc to ePub using Calibre) Now you can open it with Sigil. It allows you to edit HTML.

You also get the advantage of split screen. With this feature you can see HTML and your text at the same time.

Convenient, isn't it?

Once you find you are happy with your ePub.

You can make it ready to be available to readers.

Either direct or what you choose as your distributing platform. But if you have a mobi file in mind.

Using Kindle previewer

It is actually neat. You can preview your e-book on different Kindle platforms before you upload.

Just open your ePub ot will be changed to a mobi file.

So it means you have an extra platform for your readers. This tool is free.

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Now this is a different way of handling e-books.

Theres a course available to train on using it. Entire posts get made with Scrivener. It gives you word targets.

Also you can see word counts at a quick glance.

But this isn't free software. If you use the trail version there is a few that gives the usual 30 day trial.

But a word of advice.

Even though your ePub may look  good in one format. It may look awful in another format.

So if you know HTML you are at an advantage.

So if you are someone that doesn't know HTML you should consider your book formatting being done professionally.

Using Photoshop

Remember that readers do judge a book by it's covers. So the fact is.

You need a great cover to make your e-book much more attractive to readers.

If you know how to use Photoshop. You can make awesome covers.


If you find that you are challenged in graphic designing.

You will adore using Canva. There is a variety of things that makes Canva great. it is free and has tons of templates.

Headers for Twitter, Covers for Facebook, infographics e-mail headers and lots more.

Also, there is lots of graphics that is free. But there is images that does cost, but even those aren't expensive.

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But if you are still wondering you can consider a professional cover. It is cost effective and lots of times it is already made.

But it also means the cover is exclusive.

So if someone buys it. No one else has the right to use it.

Distribution of your e-book.

Distribution of your e-book : eAskme

If you are thinking of using PDF format then you have the benefit of using it on your site directly or by e-mail.

But of you are thinking of more formats then there is a few options available.

Dropbox may not be ideal but it works.

Because every file has its own link. This way you can just provide the link to your readers.

Whether it is used by e-mail,  social media or your site. But there is down side with Dropbox.

Many readers find it difficult to load it onto their device, So you should give instructions beforehand on this.

Using e-mail to Kindle

With Kindle you can e-mail an e-book. All that is need for readers is to attach their preferred format(ePub , mobi) and send it to Kindle on the e-mail address given by Amazon.

Now to promoting your e-book

To see any results you have to promote your e-book.

No matter who you are, if you don't promote, you wont get readers for your e-book. So now there is a few options on promoting your e-book

Social Media is a very effective way of letting people know about your e=book. But don't just do it once.

Do it many times.

You can also market by e-mail.  Let your subscribers know about the e-book.

Use your e-mail list to spread the word.

Consider Facebook ads. Truth is Facebook does have lots of potential.  As it is your goal you will find it will generate leads.

Then there is Twitter ads. But make sure what you want before you pay any money.

Edit your e-book.
You have to realize there is nothing worse than typos or bad grammar. So make sure you edit your e-book before publishing it.

There is the option of doing it yourself. If you know you are good in writing and editing.

But if you aren't sure you can use a professional editor. But make sure to look around before hiring an editor.

Last thoughts:

There is no wrong or right way for writing an e-book. Nor is there an perfect way to publish your e-book.

The power is always in the publication.

What you write about and how you write. Your cover and your publish formats.

Your preferred platforms for publishing.

Yes it all plays a part. But the success depends on you.

This ultimate guide of ebook will help you to write and get your ebooks publish if you follow these tips.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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January 21, 2025

What Is an Argumentative Essay and Tips to Write A Good Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative article is a sort of paper that presents arguments regarding the two sides of a problem.

It is usually the situation that a couple of sides are shown similarly adjusted, or even it may be the particular case that a single side is presented more compellingly as compared to the other.

What Is an Argumentative Essay and Tips to Write A Good Argumentative Essay?: eAskme
What Is an Argumentative Essay and Tips to Write A Good Argumentative Essay?: eAskme

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Everything relies upon the author, and what side he bolsters the most.

This type of essay usually has four basic parts comprising:

Attention grabber statement

Your essay should start with an interesting attention-grabbing statement that relates to your topic and develops the interest of the reader to read the essay more.

Avoid using quotations as a hooker and make your own unique, attention-grabbing statement.
  • Body Paragraphs

The argumentative essay has three further body paragraphs that contain three basic points that you will discuss in your essay.

All the three paragraphs must be interlinked to one another and should not violate the continuity.
  • Counterargument

The essay should always have a valid counter-argument that matches the basic genre of the essay.

You must have clear evidence for the points you are using to persuade the audience.
  • Conclusion

In the end, the essay should have an attractive and persuading conclusion paragraph.

In such essays, the conclusion is usually the rephrasing of the thesis statement you have written for the essay.

You should mention all your three arguments briefly and put attention-grabbing question at the end to make the audience be conscious and think about the essay and the question even after finishing the essay.

Tips for writing a good argumentative essay

This type of essay is all about persuading the audience with the point you are coming up with, and for that, you have to put your best.

Your major concern is to persuade them besides the fact that they have another perspective about that certain topic.

I am here with certain tips that will help you write the best essay for your final submission:

Find a good topic

The first step you need to do is to make a long list of the topics in which you have an interest and have some background knowledge about them.

Gather some interesting issues like conflicting issues and choose the best from them.

Once you have selected your topic make a view on it that are you quite able to persuade the audience on this topic or not and when you finally find yourself confident about the topic move on to the second step.

Gather evidence

One of the most important tips s to find as much data as you can.

You must have good searching skills, and using multiple keywords will surely help you in finding more information.

You will be able to compose a strong argumentative essay that will help you to convince the audience that the fact you are putting forward is right.

Read documentaries, articles, Facebook posts, and your name it will help you in further process.

Start essay composition

Once you are done with finding your topic and you have gathered enough information and evidence related to it, now you are ready to start composing your essay.

Make a well-established thesis statement that must contain your topic and the three arguments you will be suing n your essay.

The thesis statement must not be a fact.

Start your essay with a hooker and then add the thesis statement, after that write a bit introduction about your topic and then move on to the body paragraphs where you will discuss your arguments by giving valid evidence.

Once you are done with your body paragraphs now you ready to conclude your essay with nice and attractive questions.

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December 11, 2024

Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?

Thin content! What the hell is thin content? Is your website or blog has populated with thin content? How to get rid of it or how to fix thin content? One of the primary reasons why your content is not ranking in search results is “Thin Content.”

What is Thin Content?

Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?: eAskme
Thin Content: What is Thin Content? Why and how to fix it?: eAskme

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Thin content is known as content with no value or very small to attract the visitor.

As a thin person it is super hard for a thin content to rank for competitive keywords or queries.

Most of the times, bloggers post thin content to create more and more articles, without producing more value to a reader.

There are some commonly used types of thin content;
Google has also introduced doorway pages penalty to ensure that webmaster should stop abusing this.

Google Panda update was also punishing the websites and blogs with low-quality content or thin content.

Thin content can never satisfy the related queries or overall queries of a visitor. This tells that thin content can only be there to fill the blog with posts, not for better user experience.

Google and other search engines focus more on user experience.

So if your content is not appealing to the user or it is thin, that means you cannot serve the user well, and this is the reason why thin content will never rank in Google search results.

Publishing thin content can damage the reputation of your brand.

It lacks the essence of engagement and makes user quite your page quickly.

Thin content is the main reason behind the high bounce rate.

If your website or blog also have thin content, then you should take steps to fix it.

For a blogger or SMB’s it is easy to simple to fix the thin content issues, but it will take a lot of time to implement the strategy.

In this article, I will not only talk about thin content but also focus on how you can diagnose the thin content and fix a thin content issue on pages or blogs.

How to Diagnose Your Website Content?

Now you understand what thin content is. It is the time to find out how to diagnose your site content for the thin content issue.

Big Picture:

There are tons of SEO tools available, but you should not focus on using human approach.
Remember that search operator result can look different than the actual outcome for the same query.

Use eagle eye concept to create content with high resourced value.

Use Google analytics, ubersuggest to find the most trafficked pages.

Read the content:

Read the content but don’t focus on the number of words.

Focus on the quality of the content and level of engagement.

There is no sure shot rule that only long content rank better.

When it comes to rank higher in search results only quality and relevance matter the most.

With the best content you can say something in just 250 words rather than poorly written 2500 words.

Reading the content will help you discover such an issue.

Get rid of duplicate content:

Duplicate content is severely harmful to your business or blog.

Some tools will help you to fix the duplicate content issue.

You can use Copyscape and screamingfrog to get rid of duplicate content. Copyscape will help you to fix copy content issues quickly.

Duplicate content is the big issue for the brand and blogs that publish hundreds of articles every month.

At eAskme, we have 1800+ articles and every month publish many articles.

Copyscape is the most-worthy tool for eAskme to get rid of duplicate content.

Screamingfrog is also the tool which helps me to find the duplicate content and fix it.

One should always avoid duplicate titles in thin content.

Sometimes you need to add more words and publish latest updates to fox thin content issues.

You may also need to rewrite the complete article to polish the quality of your blog content.

How to fix Thin Content in posts and pages?

After analyzing and diagnosing the content on your pages and posts, the next thing is to prioritize list such as content scoring, based on the rate of interest.

It can be time-consuming, but it will create a long-lasting impact on your business. It will also help you to power up the SEO of your blog or business website.

When it comes to fixing many pages, you need to do it one by one.

After creating the list of pages with thin content, you need to plan which pages you want to fix in the first month.

Even if you have to the first blog post of your blog then just do it.

Here are a few ways that will help you fix the thin content issue in a super fantastic way;
  • www or non www url:
This is what you should do in the beginning. You need to set preferred url and redirect other versions to canonical url.
  • http or https:
Always redirect all non-http links to https.
  • Thin category pages:
Nonindex the thin content categories.
  • Comment pagination:
Comment pagination is the main problem of WordPress users. Disallow comment pagination on your blog or website.
  • Mobile Friendly website:
Stop using subdomains for mobile users. Always use mobile friendly responsive design to create a fast loading website or blog.

Final Words/Conclusion:

Thin content is a significant issue. It is a problem that most of the old sites and sites with too many pages or posts have to deal with.
  • Now you understand what thin content is?
  • What will you do now?
  • Will you fix the thin content?
  • Or will you leave the content as it is?
Do share your thoughts.

If you have any question,

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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December 08, 2024

How to Find Great Writers? 12 Tips for Experts!

A great writer can create content great. It is the reason why brands invest in experienced content writers.

In content marketing, content is responsible for leaving an impact. The whole SEO strategy depends upon the content quality and effectiveness.

Great content not only appeals to the audience but also ranks better in search results. Search engines also prefer user-friendly content.

Excellent content also works as link-worthy content. It attracts backlinks without even chasing them.

But the question is how to create content that serves every purpose. The amazing content requires a lot of things, but most important is an excellent writer.

You should be a great writer; if not, then hire an excellent content writer.

The next question is how to hire an expert writer.

Here are the tips that will guide your way to hire a great writer.

How to Find Great Writers? 12 Tips for Experts!: eAskme
How to Find Great Writers? 12 Tips for Experts!: eAskme

1. What Type of Writer You Need:

There are different types of writers. In the content marketing arena, content writers, ghostwriters, and copywriters are the most popular types.

Each type of writer has a different set of abilities.

The choice of writer depends upon your goal:

  • SEO content writer: You need him when you want to write content to rank higher in search engines. He should know the best SEO content practices. Keyword research and content optimization.
  • Copywriter: You need a copywriter to create an excellent landing page that drives conversions. A skilled copywriter understands the buyer’s psychology and writes content to influence him.
  • Ghostwriters: Ghostwriters are the writers that can be either SEO writers or copywriters, but he/she publishes content on your platform under your brand’s name.

Content Writers:

5 Types of content writers:

  1. Blog writers: Hire them to write blog posts to increase brand awareness, drive engagement, traffic, and readability.
  2. Article Writers: Hire them to write in-depth guides about the topic.
  3. SEO content writers: SEO writers optimize content to rank higher in search results.
  4. Technical writers: Hire a technical writer when you need how-to guides, case studies, white papers, and software testing reports.
  5. Social media writers: Hire social media writers to make your content perform better on popular leading social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, etc.


Copywriters are responsible for writing actionable content for landing pages.

4 Types of Copywriters:
  1. Brand Copywriters: Copywriters who write to improve brand image. They follow the brand’s tone and voice while writing the content.
  2. Direct response writers: Hire them to write responsive letters, landing pages, email marketing campaigns, etc.
  3. Email copywriter: Email copywriters help in writing compelling emails to drive engagement and sales.
  4. Sales Copywriters: Hire a sales copywriter to write sales page content, product descriptions, and content for ads.

Always hire a content writer or copywriter who also writes SEO-friendly content such as articles and blog posts.

Focus on your end goal to hire a great writer.

2. Search the Great Writers:

Freelance marketplaces are filled with content writers and copywriters. But not every platform is best for you.

Here are the best practices to find a great writer:

Ask within the network:

Ask within your network to find out which platform serves the best content writers. It is best to get referrals from colleagues or business friends about the writers they have used.

College Job Boards:

College students are looking for part-time jobs. Check out local colleges and universities job boards to find fresh content writers.

Post your job requirements on these boards.

Content writing agencies:

Content writing agencies are also a great way to save time searching for great writers. Content marketing agencies hire writers and make them available for your projects.

The rate of content writing agencies is relatively higher than that of freelance platforms, but at the same time, they have better work experience.

Facebook Groups:

Facebook groups are another platform to find content writers. But in those groups not every writer is great. It is best to join niche-specific FB groups and find content writers who have published content examples.

Find within your network:

It is a great practice to hire writers that are already working within your network. It is easy to analyze their performance within your industry.


LinkedIn is a professional social network. It is easy to use LinkedIn search to find content writers and copywriters.

Writers publish their experience and work examples on LinkedIn. Go through the writer’s LinkedIn profile to find out his capabilities.

Writer Directories:

Writer directories are another place to find writers. Content writers add their details on these directories with rates and experience.

3. Review Content Examples:

Ask the content writer for his past work. Go through his portfolio. Review his already published content examples.

These days it is getting difficult to differentiate between AI content and human content.

AI Content Writers vs. Human Content Writers:

Freelancers are using AI content writers like ChatGPT and AI content is cheaper but not reliable. There are a lot of issues with AI-generated content, and factual errors are common.

AI content also lacks unique tone, brand voice, and human experience. AI does not understand the buyer’s persona and lacks psychological value.

AI-generated content can hurt your brand name, image, and ranking.

It is always better to stick to human writers.

Human writers spend time understanding your brand’s needs, tone, and values. Their content strategy entirely depends on the brand’s tone and goals.

4. Interview Writers:

Interview the content writer before hiring him.

Choose a face-to-face or live call interview rather than chatting.

Live calls are great to find out if the candidate understands your brand or not.

Interview the writer to find out what his strategy is, what tools he is using, what his skills are, etc.

Ask the following question when hiring a content writer:

  • What are your skills?
  • What type of writing are you best at?
  • How do you research new topics?
  • How do you use SEO content practices?
  • Have you ever used a content calendar?
  • Have you worked with marketing teams?
  • How do you help in planning marketing campaigns?
  • How much time do you need to write a complete article or blog post?

These interview questions will help you find the best writer for your content needs.

5. Reviews and Case Studies:

Check client reviews and case studies. Most professional writers are using LinkedIn or online portfolios to showcase their work examples. Look for recommendations to find out who recommends these writers.

Also check the social proof on LinkedIn or Facebook profiles.

6. SEO Skills:

During the interview, try to analyze the SEO skills of the writer.

Make sure that the writer understands the SEO content writing. It is necessary to write content that ranks better in search engines.

The writer must understand the SEO structure of the content, such as titles, headings, subheadings, descriptions, and internal linking. He must know the on-page SEO practices.

Ask the content examples to analyze their SEO skills.

7. Content Performance:

Ask the content writer how he measures the performance.

What he calls success.

Does an SEO content writer measure content success by reduced bounce rate, organic traffic, and keyword rankings?

Does a copywriter measure success by conversions?

You need a result-oriented writer. These questions will help you find one.

8. Cost:

Ask for the cost of the writer or his writings.

How much does he charge?

Is it cost-per-word or for the entire page?

The cost per word can be anywhere between $0.03 and $3.00.

The cost per page can be anywhere between $100 to $500 or more.

Analyze the pricing structure, compare it with their experience, and your goals.

9. What’s Included:

Find out what is included in the writer’s services. Does he optimize content for search engines? Does he know how to work on-page SEO?

Does he perform keyword research and content planning?

Ask about the services included in their cost.

Make sure that the writer provides content editing and rewriting services.

Note: Writers must provide content editing for at least one or two rounds. Or refund if they failed to make the necessary changes.

10. Expectations:

You have expectations from the writer, and a writer has expectations from you.

Discuss each other’s expectations to avoid issues during the project. Outline everything.

Discuss the refund policy, as not every writer is comfortable with it.

11. Invest in Evergreen Content:

Invest in great evergreen content.

The evergreen content lasts longer than any other type of content. Even though you need to make some edits, it still stays relevant for years.

Writers who write SEO-friendly evergreen content are best to rank higher in search engines.

Better search engine ranking means more traffic, more leads, and more authority.

12. How Much to Invest:

How much should you invest in a great writer?

The cost of a content writer varies based on industry, skills, and experience.

But for the cheap price, you will not get the gold.

Experience and result-oriented writers cost more than the industry average.

While spending time on writers, focus on the worth of their writing. Pay for better ROI.


Human writers are the best writers. But between human writers, you need a great writer for your content.

Go for the writer who can tell stories and influence users. You need a sales writer to influence the buyer’s decision or an SEO content writer to rank higher in search results.

Focus on your end goal and hire an excellent writer for your business.

Do your research, interview writers, and analyze their experience and skills before hiring the best.

Invest time and money because great content is what you need.

Other helpful resources:

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August 07, 2024

Evergreen Content Guide: Everything that You Must Know About Evergreen Content is Here!

Evergreen content! Do you create it? Or do you still creating the content which has less meaning?

Creating content consistently with the target to boost organic traffic is essential.

You might have been writing content for years or months. And, some of your content may also rank on the first page.

What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme
What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

Other people are reading: Reasons Why You Should Consider SEO Services For Your Business

But are you satisfied with the result?

Your content will not add a good number to organic traffic as long as it is missing the main essence, and that is "Evergreen Content."

Evergreen content is not about being trendy or producing click baits.
  • What is evergreen content?
  • What are the types of evergreen content?
  • What are the examples of evergreen content?
  • Why is Evergreen content important?
  • How to find evergreen topics?
  • How to create evergreen content?
Today I will cover everything about evergreen content that you must know and implement.

Let's start with the fundamental question.

What is Evergreen Content?

What is Evergreen Content: eAskme

Evergreen content is the content that never loses value with the time.

In other words, the content that never goes out of date is known as evergreen content.

The most common feature of evergreen content is that every evergreen content piece is relevant to a specific target audience regardless of the time cycle.

You will better understand it with the following example;

If you search for "LinkedIn Stats 2020," you will find that foundationinc content ranks first, which means that this content page is getting maximum traffic for this keyword.

Linkedin Stats: What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

But for how long?

In 2021, hardly anyone can search for this keyword.

On the other hand, we have an evergreen example.

Evergreen example: Linkedin Stats: What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

If you search for "the importance of trees," You will find the high page ranking on the first page.
This page will always keep getting traffic regardless of the year.

The reason why we call it evergreen is that it stays green like the evergreen plant.

Each evergreen content piece contain two critical factors;
  • Content
  • Topic
Now, before you jump in to start creating evergreen content; you need to understand the difference between evergreen topics and evergreen content.

What is Evergreen Topic:

Evergreen topics are such topics that will keep people always find interesting.

Examples of Evergreen Content:

No matter how many years will pass or how many changes will come in human life, people will always find the above topics interesting.

These are the evergreen topics.

Evergreen Content:

Evergreen content is that it is excellently crafted for the evergreen topic.

Evergreen content never become outdated and never fades away.

Examples of Evergreen Content:

Tip: For better results, you need to blend both in your blog post or content page.

Why your blog need Evergreen content? (Evergreen Content Benefits)

Without evergreen content, you have to rely on trending topics and cover every topic related to your blog niche to maintain current organic traffic numbers or improve it.

This is a time consuming practice that requires a lot of hardwork.

For example;

During 2016, Trump's election post on the New York Times has spiked the traffic. Because the whole country was searching for the result.

But after a couple of weeks, that spike started fading as people were no longer looking for the same answer.

This has dragged the spike in traffic to flat-lined traffic.

This is why the New York Times and many other news agencies publish hundreds of posts every day.
You can only do it if you are running a new agency or a big brand.

If you are a blogger, freelance marketer, or full-time SEO expert?

Then evergreen content is what works best for you.

Evergreen content will give you;

Consistent traffic:

People will keep searching for evergreen content even after years.

This means that your content will stay valuable for them, and you will keep getting regular traffic.

Save time and Money:

Evergreen content stays relevant for a long time.

This means that you need not publish hundreds of posts every day to maintain organic traffic.

How to create evergreen content?

If you are reading till now, that means you are also interested in creating evergreen content.

Here are the three best steps on how you can create excellent evergreen content.

Keyword research for Evergreen Topics:

Keyword research is the first thing that you should do to find the keyword with user intent.

You can use tools like KWfinder and SEMrush to find valuable keywords or long-tail keywords.

Make sure the keyword you choose has a high search volume from an extended period, such as one year.

Create Content for Audience:

Creating to the point content is not going to help you this time.

You need to create excellent content that your audience will not find anywhere else.

Make them want more from your blog.

Ensure that your content is so compelling that if you post with the delay, they will miss your updates.

Your content should trigger emotions and engagement.

Such content will beat the competition and stay relevant for years.

Avoid Dates, News, and Trending Topics:

News dies overnight.

And, if you write about the latest episode of The Flash, then it will lose fans as long as the next chapter goes air.

Tip: Avoid using Last year, Today's, or 2020.

Is it possible to create Evergreen Content?

It's both yes and No.

Content stays evergreen as long as you can keep it relevant.

Nothing can stay relevant for 100 years. If you keep updating the old posts, you can easily keep the relevant even after decades.

Here are the few ways that will help you to produce evergreen content.

Review the post-performance and links over-time:

Open your post and check the stats. Fix broken links. Replace them with new links or remove the dead links.

Both Google and Audience notice these links.

Focus on user intent:

User intent can change over time. Targeting the user search intent is essential.

People searching on Google are looking for a solution, and it is your job to feed them what is essential for them.

Targeting search intent when updating old posts will help you keep your content evergreen.

Find the Reasons Behind rank drop?

Other blogs are outranking your content.

Find out;
  • What makes their content amazing?
  • What your content is lacking?

Final Words:

Evergreen content help bloggers to improve their search ranking.

This same work for you.

You may be working on building tons of backlinks to outrank competitors. And, spending most of your life on creating content.

But the secret behind the successful blogger in "Evergreen Content."

Evergreen content is the content that stays relevant, attract links, traffic, and reputation.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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July 19, 2024

The Top 10 AI Essay Writers: Crafting Undetectable Essays in 2025

In an ever-evolving digital world where educational technologies are advancing rapidly, AI essay writers have become invaluable tools for students, educators, and professionals alike. The need for original, high-quality content that bypasses AI detectors and maintains academic integrity is more crucial than ever.

This listicle explores the top 10 AI Essay Writers that offer undetectable, high-quality essay writing services, with EssayFlow leading the charge as the premier solution for those looking to craft essays that are both impactful and undetectable.

The Top 10 AI Essay Writers: Crafting Undetectable Essays in 2025: eAskme

1. EssayFlow - The Ultimate Undetectable AI Essay Writer

Essay Flow sets unparalleled standards in the realm of AI-generated essays, offering a sophisticated platform that produces content indistinguishable from human writing.

With its capability to generate plagiarism-free, undetectable essays, EssayFlow empowers users to navigate through academic challenges seamlessly.

Its dedication to mimicking human-like quality through training on millions of A+ grade essays ensures that every piece passes through AI detectors unnoticed.

Key Features:

  • Trained on millions of high-quality, human-written essays.
  • Offers an "Undetectable mode" for enhanced discretion.
  • Integrated AI Detection Score Report to ensure undetectability.
  • Supports over 50 languages, making it versatile and globally accessible

2. WriteMind - The Intelligent Essay Generator

WriteMind emerges as a strong contender, providing users with an intuitive interface and sophisticated writing tools. Its AI model is finely tuned to produce essays that not only sound human but also exhibit deep understanding and critical analysis, making it a valued asset for academic writing.

Key Features:

  • Utilizes advanced NLP for nuanced content generation.
  • Features robust research capabilities to include up-to-date references.
  • Provides a comprehensive plagiarism checker.

3. ThoughtFlow - For Research-Driven Essays

ThoughtFlow specializes in generating essays rooted in comprehensive research and analysis. Ideal for more complex, subject-specific papers, it leverages a vast database of academic resources to produce content that is both informative and original.

Key Features:

  • Access to a wide range of academic databases and journals.
  • Tailored content generation for specific disciplines.
  • Advanced citation tools to support academic integrity.

4. IdeaWrite - Creativity Meets AI

Blending creative prowess with AI's efficiency, IdeaWrite stands out for its ability to produce essays that catch the reader's attention. Whether it's captivating introductions or persuasive arguments, IdeaWrite brings a unique flair to AI essay writing.

Key Features:

  • Enhanced creativity mode for more engaging content.
  • Built-in language and style customization options.
  • User-friendly interface suitable for all skill levels.

5. ScholarBot - The Academic Companion

ScholarBot offers a reliable solution for students looking for an undetectable AI essay writer that can handle a variety of academic tasks. From basic essays to more complex dissertations, ScholarBot is equipped to assist with all academic writing needs.

Key Features:

  • Specialty modes for different types of academic writing.
  • Comprehensive feedback system to improve writing skills.
  • Secure and confidential service, ensuring user privacy.

6. ScriptScribe - Mastering Professional Essays

Designed for professionals and academics, ScriptScribe delivers highly polished, publication-ready essays. Its AI algorithm focuses on clarity, coherence, and sophistication, catering to users with high standards for their written communication.

Key Features:

  • Professional-grade essay writing capabilities.
  • Extensive editing and formatting tools.
  • Industry-specific templates for a variety of professional fields.

7. IntelliText - Smart Essay Structuring

IntelliText excels in generating well-structured essays, emphasizing logical flow and coherence. Its smart outlining feature ensures that essays have a solid foundation, with clear arguments and effective conclusions.

Key Features:

  • Auto-generating essay outlines for better structure.
  • Customization options for writing style and tone.
  • Real-time suggestions to enhance essay quality.

8. WordCrafter - The Storyteller’s Choice

Beyond academic essays, WordCrafter appeals to those requiring a narrative touch in their writing. It's particularly useful for creative writing, personal statements, and narrative essays, offering tools that enrich storytelling.

Key Features:

  • Specialized modes for narrative and creative writing.
  • Includes a character and plot development toolkit.
  • Interactive guides to enhance storytelling skills.

9. BrainyWrite - Simplifying Complex Concepts

BrainyWrite is designed to simplify complex subjects, making it an excellent tool for technical essays, scientific papers, and analytical writing. It breaks down complicated ideas into accessible content without losing the essence.

Key Features:

  • Technical writing mode for complex subjects.
  • Includes technical diagrams and data visualization tools.
  • Custom glossary and terminology management.

10. PenPilot - The User-Friendly Essay Assistant

PenPilot rounds out the list with its emphasis on user experience. Ideal for those new to AI essay writing, it offers guided assistance throughout the writing process, making essay writing accessible to everyone.

Key Features:

  • Step-by-step writing guides.
  • Templates for a variety of essay types.
  • Interactive feedback to improve writing skills.


The evolution of AI essay writers has opened new avenues for producing high-quality, undetectable essays across academic and professional landscapes.

EssayFlow leads this revolution, offering unmatched features that ensure excellence, originality, and unpredictability.

As technology advances, these platforms continue to redefine the boundaries of what is possible in essay writing, providing valuable support to users aiming for success in their writing endeavors.

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March 18, 2024

Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: Complete Guide

Oh so you do have a blog. or Do you want to start a blog in 2024?

Success in blogging comes to those who know how to learn, improve and excel their blogging career. A bloggers success in blogging totally depends upon how passionate you are. It also counts how much time and efforts you put into your blogging house.

Did I say blogging house? Oh Yes.

Didn`t you get it? I mean your blog, lol.

2023 is going out of the window as 2024 is driving its way to know at your door. Improving your blog is the real thing which you going to work in 2024.

There is no doubt that in 2024 every blogger will be facing more challenges, competition and many improvements also. As a professional blogger you should be ready for all.

Today I am going to count all the best ways to improve your blog in 2024.

Before you go ahead, do you know the very first thing you need to be a successful blogger is? You should have a professional blog.

Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024 : Complete Guide: Complete Guide: eAskme
Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024 : Complete Guide: Complete Guide: eAskme
Other people are reading : Domain Name guide

Let`s see how you going to improve your blog in 2024?

Best Ways o improve your blog in 2024:

1) Improve your blog theme in 2024:

Best ways to Improve Your blog in 2024 : Improve your blog theme in 2023: eAskme

Do you what a visitor notice on your blog in very first look?

It is the design or you can say theme of your blog.

Every year you see new trends in blog or web designing. In 2024 you will see more user friendly deigns as it is the need of the time.

You should improve colors, navigation, fonts, sidebars and ads should be relevant according to the color combination of your blog or blogging niche.

In Short, you should install a good theme on your blog.

For example: if you running a health blog, you should use green color in theme and if running technology blog, blue is the color that you should choose.

2) Quality Quality Quality:

Quality Quality Quality  Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme

You be bored reading and hearing about quality content and again quality content.

So what you should do which don`t make you bore?

Not just write content like a machine but add images, videos, infographic to improve your blog in real good ways.

Also make your blog user friendly by improving site speed, as the sites which load faster give better experience to the user. 


3) Clean your blog:

Clean your blog : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme
It is common that with the time you will find many spammy links associated with your site or blog. You should get rid of those links before Google algorithms going to beat your blog. You can also ask Google to help you fixing spammy links.

Also analyze the ad networks and affiliate ads you use on your blog. With time some may go down and you may need to change those links with the active ones.

Also keep an eye on changing rules and policies of Google to know the best ways which can help to improve your blog according to search engine and boost it`s ranking.

When you find any spammy link, you should tell the resource to remove the link instantly.

4) Blog Accessibility:

Blog Accessibility : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme

I know you want to increase traffic and followers of your blog. But how can you do that?

Simple improve the chances for readers to access your blog in 2024.

These days you cannot rely on only one method such as webpage only.

You should target readers which are regular users of netbooks, laptops, notebooks, phablets, tablets, balckerry and symbian users also.

There are chances that you may not know which reader is coming on your blog from which device. It is also not easy to find the exact number of readers visiting your blog and the number of readers which are not able to see your blog just because your blog is not compatible with all browsers and operating systems.

So keep all the doors open for readers to come and come again.

You can even use whatsapp, wechat etc to improve the reach of your blog content.


5) Understand your readers:

Understand your readers : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme

This is one of the huge improvements in 2024 for your blog, if you understand why readers are coming on your blog, what they want from your blog and how can you give them something extra every time they visit on your blog.

If you can answer these questions in best ways that means you understand your readers in real time.

Focus on from where and how your blog is getting traffic? How long readers are staying on your blog? What is attracting the most of the readers on your blog?

Make readers engagement easy by adding social share buttons, social media profiles and a best commenting system


6) Dates are good in 2024:

Dates are good in 2024: Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme

If you are running a blog, then why don`t you show the post publishing dates?

Showing publishing dates help readers to know if the content is new, updated or something which still have some value in 2024. You may have seen many blogs which are not showing dates.

Why not? If you think you can fool the readers by not showing dates that content is new then you are wrong. Not only search engines but readers also very intelligent. They know what they are looking for and what is outdated.

Posts without date are a big lack of improvement for your blog in 2024. These type of posts do not perform good in Google SearchAnalytics.

Even if I visit a blog and do not see a date or time of the post, I usually assume that the blog is not updated from long time and quit visiting that blog again.

Same happens in every case.

Publish dates and make your blog look fresh and exciting.

7) Use High quality images:

Use High quality images : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme

Not just the attractive tiles but high quality images play a great role to make the user stick with your blog post and visit more posts.

Usually when you download or edit and image it changes the pixels of that image.

You can use the help of some best photo editors to edit your photos without actually pixelating your images. There are plugins available for WordPress which helps you to keep the images resolution at it`s best.

In 2024, you should focus more on improving image quality and give your readers a more entertaining experience.


8) Improve your blog with latest technologies:

Improve your blog with latest technologies : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme

It is really simple to start a blog. This makes more people start their own blogs every day. That means competition is also increasing.

There are various tools  analyze keyword density chekers, Improve English Grammar,  Favicon generators etc to help you in blogging.
So it is your job as a blogger to make your blog look unique.

Not just the WordPress scripts but you can also use the Gif`s, vlogging etc.

You should also ready to invest to make your blog look exciting in real time. Work with latest technologies and use best tools forblogging.


9) Improve your blog security:

Improve your blog security : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme
Improve your blog security : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024 : eAskme
When it comes to blogging, it is a high trend that bloggers usually ignore security of their blogs and many times falls in the hands of hackers.

You should understand that even if a hacker can take down your blog for few minutes or hours, it will bring an excessive damage to your blog. Your readers may turn off from your blog as they see security threats.

You should keep checking your blog and take backup regularly.


10) Dominate social media:

Dominate social media : Best Ways to Improve Your Blog in 2024: eAskme

When it comes to work on social media most of the bloggers waste time just chatting on Facebook and forget the real motto why they have a social media profile.

No matter you are a tech blogger or fashion blogger or science blogger, Social media is for all.

Social media is the biggest crowd which can bring you not just the traffic but you can generate leads and make sales to boost your earning. There are so many social media networks available online.

Only Facebook is covering over 20 million small online business worldwide. You should also use Twitter, interest etc to create strongsocial media presence.

Make the year 2024 the best year of your blogging career:

To improve your blog in 2024 you may even need to redesign your blog theme or add more pub gins and get rid of unwanted plugging from your blog. Follow these tips and improve your blog in 2024.

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Do share your own strategy to improve your blog in 2024.

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